Love: Live by the spirit
We are a people shaped by love. God so loved the world that He has given all to call us back to Himself. This life of love is our daily invitation and inheritance forever. Christ has shown us that the world will know we are His disciples by how we love.
We are called to live lives of love in action, both in the church and amongst our neighbors.
Scroll down for recommended practices and resources to more fully love those around you.
love one another
God is a relational being, a Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Among the many implications of this beautiful mystery is that God is love and love is at the heart of God’s world. The Kingdom of God moves through relationship. God wants us to be involved and that means God is inviting us into a life of love in action.
Here’s how Jesus puts it: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will kmnow that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:34-35). God has designed the church in such a way that we all have a vital part to play. We have been gifted by God to play a particular role in helping the church grow to maturity.
Here are a few of the ministries in our church that could be strengthened by your involvement. Select one to send an email requesting more details about how you can serve.
love our neighbors
For those who have received the rich love and tender mercy of God, our natural response is to turn and extend God’s love to others. Maybe it’s taking a risk to share your faith. Consider where God has placed you and ask Him to direct you to ways to serve, to show acts of kindness and love, to meet the needs of those God puts in your path, and to show up for your neighbors.
seasonal opportunities
You can get involved with our current churchwide initiatives, called Good Neighbor Collaborations.
ongoing opportunities
We have local partners who have ongoing needs and events to love our neighbors across the city.
on-call opportunities
You can join a contact list to receive spontaneous, last-minute volunteer requests in Brooklyn.
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
Download our workbook
This guide can help you make a plan to follow Jesus in your everyday life. In this PDF, you will find some diagnostic questions and thoughts to help get you started in making a Presence, Formation & Love Plan.
You can also pickup a print version of this workbook at our in-person Sunday gatherings. Questions? Contact us.