Generosity — Trinity Grace Church



Each season we share an “inhale” practice to grow to be more like Christ as well as an “exhale” practice to put the love of Christ into action in the outflow of our lives.

During this season of Advent, when we might be tempted to tighten our grips on our finances because we have a few more expenses or have to pay for Christmas celebrations and travel we are challenging ourselves to generosity.

Let us be those who pass along what we have received knowing that life itself is grace. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your generosity. This may often mean giving money, but consider giving your time and energy as well. Can you think of planned and spontaneous ways to be generous? Who might God bring across your path that you can give to? Who can you plan a secret blessing for? 

You may also consider joining in our annual Christmas Offering as we rally funds to give away in our city and around the world.


Caleb Clardy introduces the practice of generosity as related to the Advent 2019 teaching series, Our Once & Future Hope.


Armistead Booker

I’m a visual storyteller, nonprofit champion, moonlighting superhero, proud father, and a great listener.